Fard's Daughter




Welcome to Fard's Daughter!

We create beautiful things using the science of Sound, Color and Crystal healing. We call it Energetic Art!!  Our mission is to provide you with beautiful and meaningful treasures that can aide you in reconnecting to your divine essence and place back into your hands the knowledge of the Sacred Art of Adorning.

Our Art, Decor, Jewelry and Treasures are created to Elevate the ordinary, to inspire and to adorn your life with regal beauty, wonder and magic.

We  hope that you find a treasured possession here and that its beauty and energy supports you on your journey.

Fard: Unequalled; another name for God; A spiritual obligation or duty, which is carried out using both knowledge and logical self thinking, upholding one’s faith.


The Sacred Art of Adorning

 To Adorn is to make more beautiful or attractive.

 We believe that when you intentionally adorn yourself and your environment with beautiful things and positive energy, you move from the sphere of mere decorating or dressing up, to BECOMING.

Essentially,  when you choose Fard's Daughter you choose elevated beauty. Subsequently, you program your space and life to be a living vision board that speaks to and supports your joy, your unique frequency and your highest aspiration.  Your things are no longer mundane but extensions of your divinity keeping you ever tethered to the magic of your flowering.

Adorning with Fard's Daughter can be a practice of mindfulness, gratitude and reverence for the Divine in you. 

 Because Beauty is a Wellness Practice!




Woven into the fabric and feeling of our brand is the uncompromising love of divine femininity, connection, holistic wellbeing and family.  To be ‘Fard’s Daughter’ is to be the Beloved of The Divine. She is ‘More Than Beautiful’. She is a sacred treasure, an unequaled benefit to all within her spheres of influence because she knows the beauty and the power of being Feminine.
