Resonant Gemstone Scroll


Amazonite: its blue color is calming to the brain and nervous system aiding in reaching maximum health. Its balancing effects can help you to see both sides of a problem by using both the logical and creative mind. Relieve emotional trauma and alleviate worry and fear with this gemstone.

Amethyst: spiritual protection and purification; relaxing the mind and allowing for clarity; increased intuition and spiritual growth

Apatite: Manifestation of ideas; this stone clears away confusion allowing for ones goals to become clearer. Expands knowledge and truth

Azurite: Aids in releasing mental, spiritual and physical blockages, relieving stress and increasing psychic gifts like clairvoyance

Black Agate:A grounding and protective stone offering prosperity, courage and multidimensional healing

Chocolate Mystic Moonstone: A  treasure for good fortune, This gorgeous stone promotes intuition, provides inspiration, balances emotions and is a a wonderful tool for business matters

Copper: known as a lucky metal and the conductor of spiritual energy.Copper is a wonderful healer clearing energy blockages and enhances the properties of other stones and metals its paired with. Disperses negative energy

Crazy Lace Agate: known as the Happy Stone this stone is a stone of support, encouragement, optimism. Its joyful frequency is perfect for dispersing negativity and pessimism

Flourite: Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

Glass: Raises the inner visions and helps to bridge the gap between other and self. Encourages reflection

Gold: Improves mental attitude and a sense of connectedness to nature. This alignment attracts wealth and abundance. Gold can also invoke divine love , trust and increase ones sense of security and faith

Green/ Hematite: helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Green Hematite is also healing is and is good for working with the Root and Heart Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration and invoking a sense of being held and loved.

Ocean Jasper: Aids in positive communication so you can lead with love in your expression. This stones energy will increase optimism, joy and bring elevated spirits. Its earthy tones are grounding as well.

Pearl: Pearls are said to give the wearer a sense of calmness and centeredness, and to promote faith, loyalty, truth and purity. They can especially enhance personal integrity. Known as the stone of sincerity.

Prehnite: Known as the stone of Unconditional Love, prehnite connects your heart and your will allowing you to tap into the divine will for your life producing a confidence. Its vibrant green color is energizing and healing.

Rose Quartz: Also a stone of unconditional love, its resonance can help heal a broken heart by relieving stored emotions, grief and shame. A gentle healer, its energy is calming and reassuring.

Rainbow Aura Quartz: This healing stone aids the entire body. It assists in clearing all the energy centers and developing the rainbow body  (rainbow aura) connecting you to the divine will for your life and the planet.

Silver: Silver is the metal of emotions, of the psychic mind, and of love and healing. It is used to bring patience and perseverance to the wearer. When silver is used with gemstones, the metal heightens the healing properties of the stones.

Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz in shades of brown and grey brings connection with nature. It helps you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding stone, promoting security and stability.

Steel: resilience, strength; benefits the pineal gland and the brain increasing divine communication

Turquoise: The ultimate purification and healing stone; this stone dissipates negative energy and creates self awareness. Its also a symbol of friendship and a catalyst for creative thinking. Aids all Chakras

Wood : Provides strength during spiritual growth and is useful for those who feel stuck. Can create the balances needed to launch new goals. A grounding tool.

Yellow Turquoise (Serpentine/Hematite): Helps to clear blockages assisting in ones Kundalini awakening. This stone aids in connecting deeper to your ancestors and the history of the earth. Also eases stress and harmonizes your mood.